El GRAN Nacho

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El GRAN Nacho is great for students who are being introduced to Spanish and learning how to write in depth. 

This book is an introduction to writing and reading. It is also a REINFORCEMENT to our Best Seller NACHO INICIAL DE LECTURA. This book has the same format as well as other activities that will help your student reinforce their newly learned writing and reading skills. 

Level:  PK - 2nd Grade (3 years old - 7 years old) - Spanish Beginners

Students will:

  1. Develop age-appropriate vocabulary.
  2. Understand and use accepted words for categories of objects encountered and used frequently in everyday life.
  3. Develop age-appropriate grammar
  4. Phonological Awareness
  5. Begin to recognize letters of the alphabet.
  6. Demonstrate emergent writing skills.
  7. Demonstrate the enjoyment of literacy and literacy-related activities.

Satisfies Common Core Standards for Pre K, 1st, 2nd grade.